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The best of the Sandler Virtual Summit

Throughout the Sandler Summit events, there have been too many great moments to count! Check out our session recaps such as, How to Lead a Winning Sales Team and The Past, Present, and Future of Selling.


The Sandler Rules for Salespeople

These fresh and innovative rules will give you the tools necessary to implement real-world strategies for successful pre-call planning, prospecting, and referral generation.


The Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders

David Mattson expands on his top 50 rules for being a successful sales leader. This includes how to eliminate miscommunication, create self-sufficiency, develop smart benchmarks, and much more.


How to Succeed Podcast Highlights

Our free How to Succeed podcast series gives you the tools necessary to become the best sales leader and salesperson you can be, with discussions on topics such as how to succeed at personal branding, non-verbal communication, and customer experience.


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Enhance your sales process to adapt to the modern buyer with these best practices.

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Prospecting & Qualifying

Check out the latest insights and best practices for your qualification and prospecting activities.

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Management & Leadership

Learn how to increase performance and revenue company-wide with insights from top sales leaders in the industry.

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Sandler White Papers

8 Fundamentals for building a scalable sales model

Learn how you can build a scalable sales model that positions you for growth. This reading will leave you with the tools to increase revenue, without increasing the stress of your employees.


Hiring and retaining talent in a hybrid workplace

The age of hybrid working is not going anywhere, so why not learn how to capitalize off of it? In this white paper, you will learn tips on how to hire, retain, repeat, in your hybrid settings.


It’s easy to get stuck in the same behavior patterns. In this reading, you’ll learn the power of switching up your behaviors and techniques and how this can position your business for success.

5 ways to take your business to the next level


Why salespeople fail

In this white paper, you will learn the common mistakes made by salespeople and how making a few simple changes can not only help you sell more, but sell more easily.


6 pitfalls to avoid when starting a new global sales training program

Managing a team in your own country is hard enough, let alone trying to manage a team across the globe. In this white paper, you will be given the tips on how to take the next step in improving individual performance, company-wide.


On-Demand Webinars

Selling to the modern buyer

Learn the four steps of the modern buyer’s journey and how you can adapt your selling philosophy to this specific demographic.


Sandler Books

21st Century Prospecting

Sandler’s own John Rosso and Mark McGraw teamed up in writing this enticing and informative read on shifting the way one thinks about and conducts one-on-one interactions with prospective buyers across multiple platforms.


Making the Climb

Many emerging sales managers receive little or no training before taking the job. Sandler Trainer & Author Peter Oliver dives into the importance of planning and preparing for the climb from individual contributor to manager and gives you the tools you need to get there.


Scaling Sales Success

Scaling Sales Success highlights the 16 key principles for sales leaders to be successful in the industry. President & CEO of Sandler David Mattson expands on the proven “rules of the road” for leaders who aim to lead a team that generates scalable revenue growth.


Negotiating from the Inside Out

This book dives into the three-step process that leads to successful outcomes in almost any negotiation. Read this book to get the tools and confidence you need to overcome internal obstacles and master the skill of negotiating.


Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders

Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders explains the struggles of sales communication and how, unlike other departments, there is no definitive sales language. However, President & CEO of Sandler David Mattson, details a sales management process that works and dives into 49 proven principles for effective sales leadership time and time again.


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Next Evolution of Sales

Don’t miss out on our latest episode! Mike Montague interviews Sandler's very own sales expert, Erik Meier, and asks the hard-hitting questions on how to succeed at advanced questioning strategies. Meier explains the secrets of dominating the sales field – you can’t get these best practices anywhere else.


Latest Episode

Being a Sales Manager is not an easy job, we get that. Our episodes targeted toward sales managers specialize in making that job just a little bit easier. Learn how to succeed at time management, onboarding new salespeople, defending against the competition, and more!


For Sales Managers

How to be a successful leader during these ever-changing times is tough, but we at Sandler know how to keep up. In the leadership podcast episodes, learn how to succeed at recruiting and hiring great salespeople, implementing organizational excellence, and so much more!


For Leaders and Executives

Professional Development

Stay knowledgeable on the latest best practices to build upon your professional skills.

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Prospect the Sandler Way

Learn best practices for making and succeeding at first-calls, and how to conduct effective online pre-call research.


Break the Rules, Close More Sales

Learn the 7-step Sandler Selling System. Consistently close more sales in a creative and modern way, from start to finish.


LinkedIn the Sandler Way

Learn what makes a great profile for a salesperson, what makes up an ideal network, and how to search for quality prospects.


Secrets for Successful Sales Management

Learn the secrets of successful sales management including the power of debriefing and creating prospecting plans.


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