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Meet Your Hosts


Mike Montague shares his knowledge and expertise by way of social media and other avenues with quality content and resources designed for sales professionals and managers. He is an accomplished writer, contributing to the Sandler book, LinkedIn The Sandler Way, business magazines, and the Sandler Blog.

Mike Montague

October 18, 11AM ET | 8 AM PT

In this webinar you will learn:

Director of Community Engagement

1. How to apply video on social media for prospecting

2. How to leverage LinkedIn messaging for lead generation

3. How to engage in a direct and thoughtful manner

How to Leverage Best Practices on Social Media to Generate Leads

These days, everyone is using online resources to initiate early prospecting discussions via digital media. Which is part of the problem. How do you avoid looking and sounding like everybody else in the digital realm?

Learn how to utilize social prospecting to identify and connect with potential new clientele in the digital space. 

4. Why social media is so crucial in modern selling

Hailing from Sandler in the UK, Jeremy Thomson trains digital prospecting and modern selling techniques. He contributed to the recent Sandler book ‘Prospecting in the 21st Century’ and is a guest speaker at numerous conferences.

Jeremy Thomson

Sandler Digital Prospecting Guru

Sofia Rodriguez

Sandler Trainer & Executive Coach

Take the Quiz

Mike Montague, Director of Community Engagement



Want to know your prospecting style?


Sofia Rodriguez approaches professional selling with a Socratic lens, “all she knows, is that she knows nothing.” She graduated with a degree in Anthropology and Mass Communications, gaining deep understanding in the origins of peoples and mastering the science of intentional advertising.